"About twenty-five years ago, a sweet spot in fashion was reached when skate brands like Aesthetics, Fourstar, and Droors aspired to make clothing like Nautica, Ralph Lauren, and Patagonia. Quality was good on all ends; limitless outcomes seemed possible. Sexhippies explores this fusion of logical function and creative redefinition.
It also comes out of the Berkshires: a pleasant but edgy fusion of the cosmopolitan city and the countryside.
The name recalls another sweet spot, probably a lot of us can relate to, where dreams and necessity combine into an ethos, in your late twenties. Looking back, that’s a time when the desires of youth and the consequences of adulthood fuse. SexHippies is the brainchild of that union: high-quality pieces that mindfully wear youthful fancy like a badge." - Ted Barrow